To achieve the necessary speed and scale to deliver #MissionCircular, inciting action and engagement at face to face events and forums continues to be important.

As CEFLEX starts its 2020-2025 roadmap, it is a busy week – and one that demonstrates a shift for the initiative *from growth to engagement…* bringing (even) more value & action from wider industries connected with flexible packaging. In the week 26-28 February 2020, this means:

  • Illustrating the race against time we face to Food & Beverage experts at a major conference in Brussels with Graham Houlder
  • Meeting with Beauty Industry experts at Packaging Innovations UK with Haulwen Nicholas
  • Connecting with retailers & grocery chains with Liz Morrish at a special IGD session looking at systems thinking for sustainable packaging.
  • Exchanging with research experts and consortiums in circular plastics with Dana Mosora at the MultiCycle & Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft conference looking at advanced polymer recycling, sustainability assessments and more.

Connect with us on-site at one of these events or @MissionCircular on twitter.