CEFLEX Resources
CEFLEX Positions on key issues
To support CEFLEX’s vision and help the entire value chain move forward as one, a facilitated alignment process tackles key issues. Information exchange, analysis, and interviews support participative workshops which create considered positions on each topic so that these can guide transformation to a circular economy.

Accelerating the circular economy for flexible packaging – a recommendation for recyclable mono-materials
- Download the Position Statement
- News Item: First Position Paper points to a collaborative effort towards a circular economy
- ‘Designing for a Circular Economy’ Guidelines provide definitions and further details

Recycling Capabilities for Flexible Packaging in a Circular Economy

Collection Systems for Flexible Packaging in a Circular Economy

Position on the proposed EU Packaging & Packaging Waste Regulation (July 2023)
North America – Recovery Solutions for Flexible Plastic Packaging: Materials Recovery for the Future
The packaging stream is evolving. Resource efficient flexible plastic packaging provides outstanding product protection in innovative formats. Currently in North America, flexible plastic packaging is not typically accepted in recycling programs. As the expectation for full lifecycle management of packaging increases, it is important that the related industries take part in the foundation of future solutions to provide effective and economic recovery options for flexible plastic packaging.
The Materials Recovery for the Future (MRFF) is a research collaborative of leading brands, manufacturers, packaging companies and other key members of the value chain that are committed to enhancing recovery solutions for flexible plastic packaging.
To learn more about our work, visit www.materialsrecoveryforthefuture.com.