The ‘Designing for a Circular Economy’ (D4ACE) guidelines now have a dedicated website to better explore, share and apply their resources across your organisations.


  • Discover the key design principals & choices
  • Introduction to sortability and recyclability processes
  • Download and access all the resources
  • Obtain infographics and iconography
  • See relevant interviews, news and video

The guidelines are the result of three years of collaboration and dedication from 100’s of CEFLEX stakeholders. They aim to help produce higher quality recycled materials to be kept in the economy and for them to be used in a wider number of sustainable end markets. In turn, this will help support much needed investment in sorting and recycling infrastructure to make all flexible packaging circular.

Speaking at their public launch, CEFLEX project coordinator, Graham Houlder stated: “Based on best in class sorting and recycling processes in Europe, the D4ACE guidelines have been created to help anyone working in the flexible packaging value chain. The document will guide brands and retailers who play a key role in specifying consumer packaging to make informed design choices so that all flexible packaging is suitable for sorting and recycling but retains the functionality needed for its primary purpose, protecting the product.”

“Once a portfolio has been evaluated against the guidelines, businesses can engage with their suppliers, internal and external customers and get the whole value chain working towards the same goals. The result will be a greater percentage of flexible packaging in the waste stream that when collected, can be readily sorted and recycled and returned to the economy to replace virgin plastic.”