CEFLEX News & Events

How to (re)design flexible packaging for circular prosperity

How to (re)design flexible packaging for circular prosperity

Widespread adoption of circular design will increase the share of recyclable flexible packaging in the waste stream, providing more valuable recycled materials to use again, but to achieve this economic ripple affect the industry first needs to rethink how they design and make their products.

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Unpacking Extended Producer Responsibility: what is it all about?

Unpacking Extended Producer Responsibility: what is it all about?

EPR plays a vital role in coordinating and convening elements of a circular economy for packaging. Many of the key challenges ahead fall within their scope: incentivising sustainable design, supporting investment and delivery of collection, sorting and recycling; as well as stimulating essential end markets.

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The Circular Economy Path for Flexible Packaging Emerges

The Circular Economy Path for Flexible Packaging Emerges

Always recycled: navigating flexible packaging’s multiple paths towards the circular economy. The diverse range of flexible packaging products has made it hard to find the best circular path for some of society’s trickiest waste streams, but a clearer way forward is starting to emerge for the industry.

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Introducing CEFLEX’s new board member – Clemens Kitzberger

Introducing CEFLEX’s new board member – Clemens Kitzberger

Clemens Kitzberger, EREMA Group GmbH, Business Development Manager for Post-Consumer Applications, has been appointment to the CEFLEX board where he will represent suppliers, end users and machine builders and push for the entire value chain’s move towards circularity.

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